Welcome to YWAM Frankfurt!

Salt and light in the city for over 40 years!

We have been active in Frankfurt since 1982 and are still in love with this city!

Our YWAM Frankfurt staff work full time in their trained professions in addition to the ministry we do together as a team. In this way, we are present in many spheres of society while also working together to bring God’s love to the people of Frankfurt.

Go to Our Team to read more about who we are and how we function. You can also learn how YWAM first came to Frankfurt on the History page.

We are very excited to again offer a one-week Discipleship Training School for German-speakers who are currently working in their profession, studying to enter a profession, or who just want to learn how to live their everyday lives with God. This year we are organizing the DTS Xpress together with YWAM Altensteig in Altensteig. Check out more on this page: DTS Xpress

Know God and make him known.